Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, writers of Lost, have created a modern take on fairy tales with a female lead character, Emma swan, who has moved to Maine. The show revolves around the adaptation of fairytale characters such as Snow White and Prince Charming who have been brought into the real world with no knowledge of their true identities, due to the Evil Queen, who cast an evil spell on the entire land.
Perhaps the most fabled of all Fairy Tale princes, Charming is everything we already know him to be and more. Yes, he's tall, noble, and handsome, but he's also a leader of men and a battle-tested warrior entirely worthy of his royal status. He is a master swordsman-quick, decisive, pure of heart and every bit the epitome of a Fairy Tale prince.
When he learns of the Evil Queen's latest scheme, he rallies the forces of good to find a way to stop it. Their plan is compromised, however, when Snow gives birth to Emma before Charming and his men are able to complete the wardrobe that will transport them to safety. Since the wardrobe can only protect one, Charming and Snow decide to place newborn Emma inside alone, hoping that she will someday return to free them.
Having been in a coma for as long as anyone can remember, David Nolan awoke with no name and no identity. Seemingly stirred to life by Mary Margaret reading him a story out of Henry's Fairy Tale book, David was found wandering the woods. Upon being returned to the hospital, he was reintroduced to his wife, Kathryn, whom he had been estranged from just before his disappearance. He and Kathryn have been trying to work out the problems in their marriage, but David can't help but feel drawn to Mary Margaret.
If you would like to learn more please visit Charmed.